Monday, May 2, 2011


This is based on a boy named "Raymond" from the short story Raymonds Run

People act as if they understand my situation, but in all reality they don't. Nobody actually knows what I go through on a daily basis. I have to overcome many challenges that most others do not experience during their life time. I don't learn properly and because of that, I can't speak well, read well, and I don't comprehend materials well. People treat me different because of my appearance. Whether its the people that stare at me blankly as if I'm some freak of nature or the people that treat as if I'm five, I just don't get treated the same as most others. Sometimes I wonder why I had to be born with this incurable diagnosis, and it gets me very upset, but quickly after I realize that I only have one life, and if I spend it constantly angry at the world, I would be wasting my life away. Long ago I accepted the fact that I am different, long ago I came to the realization that I am unique, and long ago I started to love the person that God made me to be.

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