Friday, December 17, 2010


Labels; they're everywhere. Whether it's positive or negative, you probably have one. The truth is -- as much as certain individuals might not want to admit it --most labels hurt. If you're lucky, people judged you as funny, pretty, cool, or maybe even popular, but most don't get the privilege of having those labels. Fat. Smelly. Weird. Stupid. Ugly. These are judgments that seem to come up much more often during the time that you are growing up. Why? Why does the human population intend to hurt one another? These words are cruel and they can stick with someone for as long as they live. Every person you know, whether they're ten or thirty years old, most likely have had a negative label throughout their life and to this day it probably still hurts them. Our parents always taught us the saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" but let's be realistic. Words do hurt. Labels do hurt. Judgments do hurt. Think about what you say before it slips out of your mouth.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent response! I'll never look at this piece the same again.
