Friday, October 15, 2010


It’s time; you have worked for this moment long enough. Now as you step foot onto the battlefield, a rush of both adrenaline and fear travels through your veins so fast that you barley felt it. Realizing that this could be your last day on Earth, the burning sensation of tears comes to your eyes. Even though they may not show it, every person fighting in this battle today is feeling exactly as you are. Before you know it, the crackle of gunshots is all you can hear. This is war. Without these type of individuals –courageous, selfless, willing to fight- in our country, our nation wouldn’t have half the things that we're blessed enough to have these days. Patriotism is so vital to our country.

To have love and devotion for your country; that’s what it means to have patriotism. Basically, every right that we have –freedom of speech, religion, and privacy, protection of cruel and unusual punishments, the list goes on and on- is because of the people that were and are willing to fight for the U.S. These people defiantly have love and devotion for our country but just because you’ve never fought in a war or won a right for America doesn’t mean you don’t have dedication to our country.

When people think of patriotism, they tend to assume that if you take part in wars, you have faithfulness to our country. That’s true, but that’s not the only way to have loyalty to America. Just by respecting the flag shows a sign of patriotism. The flag is probably the most treasured symbol in America; therefore, respecting it is an excellent thing to consider taking part in. Treating others right and taking part in holidays - Fourth of July (Independence Day), Memorial Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, ect. – are also some great ways to show allegiance for our country.

Showing patriotism isn’t hard. It doesn’t mean you have to join the army or protect everyone that lives in the U.S. It simply means to show love and devotion for your country. Think about it; is respecting the flag or treating people nicely that hard? Is patriotism essential to your life?


  1. I thought this essay was excellent. It really described patriotism as a great thing and I agree with that. The voice in this essay is loud and clear. There was a couple grammatical errors, so next time just look at for that! But overall, great job!

  2. Taylor this is really good. You are soo good at writing!!(:
